Interview with Tori Mellott, Style Director at Frederic Magazine
We absolutely love your style and creative voice, what is your favorite part of working in the design world?
My favorite part of working in the design world is being enveloped in a swirl of smart, interesting, and creative people – there is always something new blooming and blossoming – it’s thrilling!
What’s one thing people don’t know about you?
I am exceedingly afraid of heights – I can barely drive across a bridge or step out onto a balcony. And I’m also a fainter so that’s a terrifying combo!
What’s your wakeup / wind down ritual?
I have almost no rituals or routines for myself – I don’t use face creams at night, I don’t have a certain time I eat, sleep, or wake up. The only constant in my life if that I must have coffee to function. My mom calls it an “abstract random” personality style. Aside from my morning coffee, I do keep a pretty tight schedule when it comes to my 11-year-old twin girls – I read to them every night I try to have lights out by 9pm.
What are three things you can’t live without?
My girls and my family, music, and color.
What’s your current TV obsession?
It’s a little unexpected but I love watching sports – football, golf, basketball, hockey, gymnastics, swimming, track and field – I’m so impressed with the athleticism of professional athletes, and I love an intense competition.
Most adventurous thing you’ve done since working at Schumacher? We also love the IG lives you have hosted; do you have a favorite or 'most interesting' guest so far?
The most adventurous thing I’ve done is what I’m currently working on - my very first book for Schumacher! It comes out in September 2024 and I couldn’t be more excited. As far as interesting guests - everyone I’ve interviewed has something interesting to share – a story, a journey, an anecdote, a singular moment - I feel honored to have the opportunity to listen to their deeply personal stories.
Favorite piece of clothing you own?
I went through my 20’s and 30’s obsessed with designer clothing but after I had children that passion (and the means!) waned. I would say my go-to outfit now is a pair of threadbare blue jeans, my Lucchese cowboy boots, and a solid cashmere sweater – ultimate comfort.
Favorite Museum?
I can’t name just one because I am passionate about museums. Last year my children suggested I give them up for Lent (ha - unlikely). Off the top of my head, I’d say Musee D’Orsay, The Prado, The Met, and my hometown museum, The Carnegie Museum of Art. And don’t even get me started on house museums - I will spend my life hunting down every last house museum on this earth! A few favorites are The Mount in Massachusetts, Drottningholm Palace in Sweden, and Linderhof Palace in Germany.
What’s your spirit animal?
I don’t think you get to pick your spirit animal - I think other people assign it to you. I’ve been told on more than one occasion that I am a yellow canary!
Favorite Pamela Munson Bag?
They’re all so good, but probably Lilla – the color combo is so lively and the pattern is so bold.
Quick 5:
Favorite Schumacher Print?
There are so many that I love but my current favorite is ‘Dagger Stripe’ in pink and red by Drusus Tabor
Dream country to visit?
Heels or flats/sneakers?
Vintage or new?
If it’s a hat or shoes, new. If it’s a dress, jeans, or a sweater, vintage.
Style icon?
Bianca Jagger and Margaux Hemingway circa the 1970’s.