Interview with Julia Berolzheimer
Julia Berolzheimer has become a household name as one of the very first -and most successful -bloggers when she created Gal Meets Glam in 2011. Since then, Julia has transformed her blog into a thriving business, with a clothing line, newly rebranded style site and noteworthy product collaborations. As a long-time friend and champion of the brand, we’re delighted to share Julia’s inspired journey and career path, sense of whimsy, and, of course, her favorite Pamela Munson bag with you on The Basket Weave.
Tell us about your brand and career trajectory.
I created Gal Meets Glam, the blog, in 2011 while I was a junior in college. A few years later, I pursued it as my full-time career and launched Gal Meets Glam Collection, a womenswear line, in the spring of 2018. We had incredible success from the get-go but after two wonderful years, we decided to close it down last summer. It came from a lengthy disagreement between how we wanted to build Gal Meets Glam Collection and how our business partner felt it should be run. We then transitioned GMG the blog to my personal name, Julia Berolzheimer, with a complete rebrand and new direction. After ten years in this space, it was time for a much needed refresh to represent who I am today. I have a handful of collaborations under Julia Berolzheimer launching this year, amongst a few other personal endeavors I am excited to reveal over time.
What inspires you? Many of Pam’s designs are inspired by childhood travel memories and time with her family, do you have a go-to source of inspiration?
I am never inspired by one singular thing, moment or memory. Inspiration comes from so many places. It also really depends on what I am working on –– whether that be a photoshoot, a product or print design, a brand partnership or content ideas. I feel the most inspired when I am able to express myself without any restrictions or guidelines around that. My favorite sources are taking quiet time to write (something I have found helps clear my mind and release ideas I didn’t know I had; I do this in notebooks with no purpose of sharing), read (text or visual photos), talk with friends, family, or peers, and when I get outside. Being outside brings me so much joy, and throughout those feelings, I always find inspiration.
Do you have any treasured travel destinations from your childhood? Where did you go and what was your favorite memory?
I’ve always had this sense of whimsy, even as a young child. I loved make-believe and creating elaborate stories outside in nature. This wasn’t a fancy travel destination, but my grandparent’s ranch, just a short 10 minute drive from our house, was the most incredible place to be transported as a kid. They had dozens of acres filled with vineyards, rose gardens, fruit and vegetable gardens, sprawling lawns, enormous old oak trees, a lake, and an old barn. It was an incredible place to grow up. My sister and I would spend hours outside pretending we were living in another era, describing our outfits, collecting fruits and nuts, and cutting flowers. Or, we would get lost in the moss garden, imagining fairies and otherworldly creatures, while we built homes for them out of sticks and other natural debris nearby. I always go back to these memories and feel a sense of happiness. I want to pass that along to my daughter, too.
Can you share with us one of your family travel traditions? What puts you at ease and ready to relax?
We don’t have any specific family traditions around travel but I do feel the most at ease and relaxed when I am somewhere I’ve been before. If I am traveling somewhere new, it’s hard for me to slow down, as I get so anxious to explore and see everything!
We have to ask: what’s in your bag? Tell us about your essentials in your Pamela Munson bag.
Since becoming a mom in the fall of 2019, my essentials look a lot different! My bag usually has a kaleidoscope of sunglasses, keys, lip balms, hair ties, and toddler items including lots of snacks, always. Two must-haves since last year: hand sanitizer and a mask!
You are one of our favorite people to follow and love how your style has evolved from your early days of Gal Meets Glam to more recently as a mother. You have impeccable taste with the most refined eye. What’s your favorite style from our Spring 2021 Collection?
Thank you! It’s always so hard for me to narrow down my favorites from each collection, but I really love the mixed media bow bag. It’s such an original and unique way to add the feminine touch of a bow.
Straw isn’t solely reserved for summer or beach getaways – how do you style your Pamela Munson handbag for every day?
This is one of my favorite things about Pamela Munson––the use of natural materials like straw, throughout all seasons. I’ve always been drawn to using straw bags throughout the year. It adds such wonderful texture and character next to other fabrics, not just cotton and linen. I think a straw bag, such as the lady bag, looks so chic with jeans, a pair of ballet flats and my favorite wool coat. (Editor's note: Julia is pictured wearing our Lady Bag)